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The Extended Class Plan

At Virginia Home Inspector Training, we realize it is sometimes impossible for you to miss four days from your current job to take a home inspection pre-license course. However, if you can miss one or two days over several months, we can help you get through the course and earn your certificate. Our class dates always take place on a Monday through Thursday and are usually held monthly.  To get credit for the entire course and earn a certificate, all four days must be completed. We require new students to attend Monday, day one to start the course, but you can always spread-out days two, three and four, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday over several months. They can be completed in no particular order. If you need to do this just inform your instructor when you attend day one or contact us before you start the course. When all four days have been completed, you will be awarded your certificate.

We offer an interest-free payment plan

With a non-refundable down-payment of $300.00, you can pay the balance ($599.00) in non-refundable, interest free, monthly installments over the next 6 months. After full payment and completion of the course, you will be awarded your certificate.  If you're uncertain about the profession, this option can be used to help you decide if the profession is for you. Pay the non-refundable $300.00, then sit through the classes.  Upon completion, pay the balance and get your certificate or walk-away and owe nothing else. We want to help you become a home inspector!

Let’s Work Together

We can help.

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